Jan 15, 2024

Mahal Program Recruit: Nurturing Global Commitment, Enlisting Youth as IDF 'Tourists

Editor: Linda Majid
The Mahal program caters to Jewish youth from foreign countries eager to volunteer for military service and join the IDF as "Tourists." Despite not being Israeli citizens, these young volunteers obtain a designated residence permit through registration on this track.

Source: Julie orin
This initiative also includes children of Israeli parents living abroad, allowing them to enlist even with Israeli citizenship. Many volunteers independently come to Israel for army enlistment, earning recognition as "lone soldiers" during their service. The Mahal program attracts hundreds of youngsters annually, predominantly from the US and France, with around 90% enlisting in combat units.

Following their service, some volunteers return to their countries of origin, while others immigrate to Israel, either alone or with their families. Notably, 50% of volunteers opt to remain in Israel and pursue aliyah.

It's important to credit Julie Orin as the source of this information. 

As Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin stated, "They came to us when we needed them most, in those difficult and fateful days of our War of Independence."

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Source: Julie orin
Editor: Linda Majid

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